Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Art Of Racing In The Rain

This is a book about dogs.  Thus it goes on Missouri Books and Animals That Give Pause too.  The Art of Racing In the Rain is by Garth Stein.  I'd give it a 9 out of 10 or maybe an 8, not the most intellectually stimulating read I've had but it's a dog talking, gimme a break.  I bought this book for like $10 @ Wally world because I had to wait an hour in KC and had NOTHING to read and NOTHING to do which is a fate worse than death if you know me.

You can buy it from Amazon by clicking to your right in that handy dandy amazon box or down below.  In fact you can buy anything from amazon, anything, you are getting sleepy...back to the book review.

I love dog books.  I love books on training dogs, about dogs, by dogs, (supposedly, most of them are not trained for proper grammar) I love dog books.  This one is no exception.  I'm not saying it gives particular insight into your fido's secret life but who is to say?  So what happens in the book?  Basically it follows a dog through his years with a family, through good times and bad though this family seems to have the market on bad times cornered for awhile.  If nothing else read this book for the psycho thriller scene with the zebra........

1 comment:

Gail Wilson said... sounds kind of interesting...even wilder than some of the dog blogs! Thanks, Mistaya